What A USB C iPhone Could Mean For The Tech World

Sergio Alberto Romero, M.S.
2 min readMay 19, 2022
Photo by Bagus Hernawan on Unsplash

With rumors around the technology industry starting to heat up about a possible iPhone entering the market with a USB-C port in 2023, things are starting to look up for the universal connector. There are a lot of benefits associated with USB C, not only does it offer a plethora of features such as high power output, high data output and a far easier time connecting but it also offers up standardization in a world that has been plagued by various connectors for quite literally, decades. So let’s talk about what an iPhone with USB C could mean for the future of technology!

True Universal Connections

Yes, USB C is considered a universal connector but given the fact that Apple and of course iPhones have been a one of the biggest influencers in the tech world it stands to say that they most certainly need to influence the transition towards any form of a standard. Whether that’s Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or even something more relevant like 5G. With Apple hopping on board the USB C bandwagon it’s easy to make the claim that we will finally be entering the end game in terms of a standard connector for all devices.

Accessories Galore

With one of the most influential brands fully embracing USB-C we could start to see more intuitive development in the world of accessories. Whether we’re talking about improved charging solutions, better speakers, improved input devices or maybe just an accessory I’ve never even imagined there’s a lot of room for development in this space. The problem with this space as it stands is that if new devices were to be developed for the market they would have to either choose which audience to cater towards (Lightning or USB-C) or they end up catering to both and either develop an inferior product or they end up making something that is a little too bulky. Either way you look at it, shifting all major devices to USB-C will encourage far superior accessory development.

Final Thoughts

While there have been rumors for many years in terms of the iPhone adopting a USB-C port, I genuinely believe that this may be a little more than a grain of salt. Overall, I think Apple fully embracing our USB-C future can only be a positive development! These were my thoughts on USB-C coming to the iPhone product line, now I want to hear from all of you! Do you think Apple will finally make the jump towards USB-C or do you think they will skip it entirely and just work on their own MagSafe development? Sound off down below with your thoughts and comments and let me know what you think!



Sergio Alberto Romero, M.S.

The elements compose a magnum opus. My modus operandi is amalgam.