The Next Product To Go Digital

Sergio Alberto Romero, Ed.D.
3 min readJun 19, 2022
Photo by Galen Crout on Unsplash

I’ll be the first to admit that I was originally very against digital media. Whether we’re talking about video games, movies or books, I felt that by spending money on digital assets I was more or less “wasting” my money. Until I realized that the value I get out of these digital assets doesn’t come my ability to resell them but from the experience itself. That being said, I’m now a complete digital believer. Not only do I no longer own anymore physical movies or videos (I do have several physical textbooks though) but I am also looking for the piece of media that can be adapted for digital. For me, that product is without a doubt, tabletop gaming.

Tabletop Gaming

When I say tabletop gaming I fundamentally mean board games, card games and everything in between. Whether you want to talk about the fan favorite of Monopoly or something a little more hip like Settlers of Catan, I strongly believe that these games, activities, services are bound for the digital landscape. Not only is it far easier to deliver these increasingly complex tabletop games to people all across the world by simple putting them onto a digital storefront but they’re also a lot easier to add onto when they take the form of digital goods. Far too often do I see giant board games becoming even more enormous with all the additional expansions that can open up the game to even more…



Sergio Alberto Romero, Ed.D.

The elements compose a magnum opus. My modus operandi is amalgam.