How Drones Will Change The World

Sergio Alberto Romero, Ed.D.
3 min readJul 8, 2022
Photo by david henrichs on Unsplash

I was pretty hesitant to believe that electronic drones would be a key technology as we move into the future, but I’ve slowly been more and more convinced over the last several years. Not only has drone technology come a long way but so have the accompanied uses of them, so without rambling on too much here are a few ways I suspect that drones will change the world quite rapidly over the coming years.

The Firework Industry

I know this section may feel a little narrow but when you start to realize that the firework industry can net over $2 billion dollars in sales since 2020, it’s no wonder that this has earned an entirely dedicated section in my article. For starters, fireworks are expensive to the majority of the consumers, the average 4th of July firework show can cost about $15,000, and that’s a yearly investment! Enter the usage of drones and while the initial price tag of drones is likely far higher than that of fireworks, the amount of repeat uses you can have from drones is quite large. Being able to organize a lightshow around drones not only saves money over the long run but it can also reduce the amount of pollution we put both in the atmosphere and on the ground, let’s also not forget the potential to reduce a lot of fire hazards!

Sporting Events



Sergio Alberto Romero, Ed.D.
Sergio Alberto Romero, Ed.D.

Written by Sergio Alberto Romero, Ed.D.

The elements compose a magnum opus. My modus operandi is amalgam.

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