3 Ways To Improve Your Writing

Sergio Alberto Romero, Ed.D.
3 min readMar 26, 2022
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

While not everyone on Medium is here to write wonderful articles, (though I highly suggest you at least give it a go every once and while) I think a lot of us could benefit from some improved writing tips! Whether you’re sending an email or writing a love letter to the girl that simply “got away” here are 3 ways to improve your writing!

Read Out Loud

I know you hate having to re-read everything you just wrote/typed. You literally spend hours writing up that essay for school and now I’m expected to read it? Out loud? With my own voice?! Yes, yes you are. While I won’t be offended if you use a text to speech tool (Similar to what Medium has on offer) I do think hearing your words out loud can really help you with really foolish mistakes. Whether you messed up grammar or just completely missed an entire word, reading out loud can really help you pick up on a lot of the things you would have otherwise missed in your editing phase. Which brings us to my next tip to improve your writing!

Stop Pre-Editing

Pre-Editing is entirely something I just made up, or at least it’s something I’m not sure actually exist, if it does don’t mind my rant. That being said, what I mean by pre-editing is I mean, don’t spend your entire time sitting in front of a page editing what you wrote the day before. Try to focus on…



Sergio Alberto Romero, Ed.D.

The elements compose a magnum opus. My modus operandi is amalgam.