3 Takeaways From the 2022 Formula 1 Dutch Grand Prix

Sergio Alberto Romero, Ed.D.
3 min readSep 6, 2022
Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash

It seems that the second half of the 2022 Formula 1 season is already getting incredibly exciting right out of the gate. With tons of strategies decisions making and breaking individuals races, it seems that the emphasis on car development has slowed and the emphasis on making on track decisions is the new battlefield. So lete’s take a look at my 3 biggest takeaways from the 2022 Formula 1 Dutch Grand Prix.


Last year when Max Verstappen stormed his way through the track to earn his well deserved victory at home there was quite literally orange clouds developing over the race track. While the majority of the damage wasn’t really present until the end of the race when it was “safe”. There were still several instances where there was a ton of smoke built up around the race track and I know from driving through the foggy mornings here in Wisconsin, it can get incredibly tough to see through these obstructions. This year there were only really a few instances where these flares came into play, most specifically during qualifying the day prior to the race but I thought it was still important to mention how important this improvement has been from a safety perspective, even if that’s somewhat of a boring topic to start with.

Mercedes Blunders



Sergio Alberto Romero, Ed.D.
Sergio Alberto Romero, Ed.D.

Written by Sergio Alberto Romero, Ed.D.

The elements compose a magnum opus. My modus operandi is amalgam.

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